The regulations, certifications and standards covered by Greenscope

Whether you're aiming to comply with regulations or kickstart a certification project with data collection, Greenscope equips you with all the templates and methodologies you need.

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ESG regulations and compliance

European directives and regulations

Greenscope supports you in collecting, synthesizing, and communicating data for a range of European frameworks and regulations:

  • CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)
  • PAI (Principal Adverse Impact) under the SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation). Greenscope’s teams handle the calculations and reports necessary to comply with SFDR requirements.
  • European Taxonomy

Carbon footprint methodologies

Our teams assist you in gathering the necessary data to calculate your carbon footprint according to ADEME's methodology (Bilan Carbone / BEGES) or the GHG Protocol.

Regulatory, sustainability, or impact reports

Our consultants are skilled in drafting regulatory reports or communications on your ESG commitments:

  • 29LEC reports for financial entities (life insurance, professional pension organizations, funds) in accordance with Article 29 of the “Loi Energie Climat”
  • UNPRI reports (United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment), to support data reliability for the annual reporting required by UNPRI
  • Impact reports or ESG reports, aimed at LPs (Limited Partners) or for public dissemination

Biodiversity analyses

Our teams conduct analyses of dependency on ecosystem services and impact on biodiversity loss, based on the ENCORE database (Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks and Exposure) and the pressures outlined in the SBTN (Science-Based Targets for Nature) methodology. These analyses can be supplemented with an assessment of your biodiversity footprint using the CBF (Corporate Biodiversity Footprint) tool, in collaboration with Iceberg Data Lab.

Data collection : Ecovadis, B-Corp...

The Greenscope platform allows you to centralize data collection for reporting or certifications such as Ecovadis, B-Corp, TCFD, GRI, SASB…

Our questionnaires are based on the standards of France Invest and Invest Europe.